Gesang der Geister (2014)
The longing for the afterlife and death typical of Romanticism forms the centre of this project. There is hardly a more suitable ensemble than to invite a male choir to join in. In his “Gesang der Geister über den Wassern” Schubert compares the human soul with water and describes its transformation on earth.
The Feuerreiter, which is reflected in the work “Die Feuerreiter” in the versions of Wolf and Distler, is another child of this romantic longing for the dark – the story of a tremendous fire rider who puts the people in fear and terror and sets houses on fire. The Holberg Suite by Grieg, the Suite for Strings by Janácek and other vocal works by Scandinavian, Baltic and German composers are grouped around this.
1. Edvard Grieg (1843-1907): Aus Holbergs Zeit , op. 40 for strings (1884)
2. Franz Schubert (1797-1828): Gesang der Geister über den Wassern for male choir and strings (1821)
3. Hugo Wolf (1860-1903): Einklang – from six sacred songs (1881) arr. for male choir by Max Reger
4. Knut Nystedt (*1905): I will praise thee, O Lord – from three motets op. 43 for male choir (1957/58)
5. Vytautaus Miškinis (*1954): And death shall have no domination for male choir (1993)
6. Henk Badings(1907-1987): Psalm 27 for male choir (1985)
7. Franz Xaver Biebl (1906-2001): Ave Maria for male choir (1964)
8. Bernd Englbrecht (*1968): Der Feuerreiter for male choir (2006)
9. Andreas Luca Beraldo (*1988): Die Feuerreiter (nach Hugo Wolf und Hugo Distler) for male choir and strings (premiere/2014)
10. Leoš Janáček (1854-1928): Suite for strings (1877)
Impronta – Ensemble für neue Musik, conducted by Andreas Luca Beraldo
Ensemble Vocapella Limburg, conducted by Tristan Meister
29 march 2014, 19:00, St. Josef, Mannheim (D)
30 march 2014, 19:00, St. Konrad, Mannheim (D)